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KSC Registration Policy


KSC Registration Policy


The Kennebunk Soccer Club strictly adheres to its registration policies and deadlines.


a. Open registration will end on May 24, 2019. Players with late registrations OR incomplete applications will automatically be placed on the wait list and a $20 late fee will be charged.


b. Order of "wait" listed players will be determined by the date of receipt of complete registration packets.


c. In order for registration to be complete, it needs to include the following:


  • Full payment (or approved written request for financial assistance - which includes late fee, if assessed).

  • Complete registration online.

  • Birth certificate (if a first year player)


A player’s registration will be considered incomplete until all required documents/payments are received. Player(s) will NOT be assigned to teams until payments registration is complete. This includes any remaining balances from prior year as well as payments for the current year.


d. All players are required to attend an evaluation session. Players will not be assigned to teams during the initial assignment process unless they attend the spring evaluation sessions. If extenuating circumstances (i.e. illness, injury) prevent a player from evaluating, the parents must petition the KSC Board for an exception prior to evaluations. That player, if at all possible, should attend their age level evaluation. Late registrants may be required to evaluate during the summer or when practice begins.


e. Once an age group list (herein referred to as “list”) has reached maximum capacity, that (list) will be closed and the “wait list” approach utilized.


Wait listed players will be assigned to teams on an “as needed” basis. The order of assignment can be found in paragraph (b) (above). Team needs will be determined by maximum (list) size per team/division, as deemed by Soccer Maine guidelines and by the KSC Board of Directors.


f. In the event that a (list) is filled to capacity with “on-time” registrants (as outlined by Soccer of Maine/KSC guidelines), and all efforts have been made to create more room through, 1) the creation of an additional “matching age” team, or by 2) “team blending,” in keeping with KSC selection policy, the order of that (list) will be determined as follows:


g. KSC follows Soccer Maine's guidelines on team sizing and teams are assembled using the sizing guidelines below. 


  • U9/U10 - 10 (minimum) -14 (maximum) per team

  • U11/U12 - 12 (minimum) -16 (maximum) per team

  • U13/U14 - 14 (minimum) -18 (maximum) per team


U9 through U12 Leagues – players will be selected using the evaluation scores to create balanced teams if there is more than one team per age group. Every effort will be made to accommodate all players but cannot be guaranteed.


U13 through U14 Leagues – players will be selected using the evaluation scores to first create the most competitive team possible. The preference of the Kennebunk Soccer Club Board of Directors is create at least one team in each age group which would compete at the division one level. This is subject to change based on the discretion of the Board as it looks to place any and all teams at levels where they can best compete.


h. Every effort will be made to assign all wait listed players to teams. However, any players remaining on the wait list after all possible assignments are made must be cut from that year’s program. Refunds will be given to families whose players are not assigned to a team.


i. No refunds will be given after a player is assigned to a team.


Any exceptions to the above registrations policies/procedures require a vote of approval by the KSC Board.

Kennebunk Soccer Club

PO Box 164, Kennebunk, ME 04043

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